Every Wednesday optional "We Grow Wednesday"
Third Wednesday of each month SkillsUSA Monthly Advisor Meeting utilizing the "We Grow Wednsday" Link.
Note: visit the High School Division's website for Dual Enrollment Student's Dates.
1 | Member Registration Opens
1 | Registration Opens: SkillsUSA - Washington Leadership Training Institute (WLTI) 2 p.m. EST Saturday- 8 a.m. EST Wednesday Congressional Visits Tuesday
7 | SkillsUSA jumpSTART Registration Opens
7 | SkillsUSA jumpSTART Registration Closes
11 | SkillsUSA Chapter Jumpstart Training West Region-Learn and improve all things SkillsUSA, Local Chapter, Chapter of Excellence, etc.-TCAT Jackson
12 | SkillsUSA Chapter Jumpstart Training Middle Region-Learn and improve all things SkillsUSA, Local Chapter, Chapter of Excellence, etc.-Volunteer State CC
13 | SkillsUSA Chapter Jumpstart Training East Region-Learn and improve all things SkillsUSA, Local Chapter, Chapter of Excellence, etc.-Pellissippi State CC
26 | Application Opens for SkillsUSA State Officer Applications
7 | Application Deadline for SkillsUSA State Officer Applications
15 | SkillsUSA Fall Membership Deadline Due
1 | SkillsUSA Week T-Shirt Design Due to Nationals https://bit.ly/SkillsUSAWeekTshirt
6-7 | SkillsUSA State Officer Training Dec 6, 3:30 p.m CST to Sat 3:00 p.m. CST Smyrna, TN
8 | SkillsUSA Week T-Shirt Design Winner Announced on SkillsUSA's social media platforms.
13 | Registration Opens SGPC & SkillsUSA Day on the Hill Activities 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Central (Tentative)
17 | SkillsUSA Technical Chair Meeting Chattanooga 11:00 a.m. EST Officers assist
17-18 | SkillsUSA Executive Committee Meeting and State Officer Training Friday 9:00 EST to Sat 3:00 p.m. EST Chattanooga, TN
31 | SkillsUSA Pin Design Contest Submission Due
3 | Registration Opens SkillsUSA Chapter of Excellence and Outstanding Advisor of the Year
6 | Day on the Hill Registration Due (Tentative)
3-7 | SkillsUSA Week held in conjunction with Regionals TBA (Also High School Regionals)
14 | SkillsUSA T-Shirt Contest Design Due
26 | SkillsUSA Day on the Hill Wednesday 7:00 a.m CST Nashville, TN
27 | SkillsUSA Executive Committee Meeting and State Officer Training Thursday 8 a.m. CTS till 2 p.m. CST Nashville, TN (Tentative-could be moved to Tuesday based on SOAR schedule)
MARCH 2025
1 | SkillsUSA Membership Deadline
1 | SkillsUSA State Conference Registration Deadline
1 | SkillsUSA Chapter of Excellence Deadline
1 | SkillsUSA Outstanding Advisor of the Year Due
6 | Middle School State Conference Smyrna TN
10 | SkillsUSA Hotel Registration Opens
13 | State Leadership and Skills Conference Hotel Registration Closes
17 | State Leadership and Skills Conference Testing Opens
21-22 | SkillsUSA Executive Committee Meeting and State Officer Training Smyrna, TN Friday 4:00 p.m. to Saturday 3:00 p.m. CST
28 | State Leadership and Skills Conference Testing Closes
APRIL 2025
11-16 | Officers: SkillsUSA State Leadership and Skills Conference 5:00 EST Friday till Wednesday 1:00 p.m
13-16 | Attendees: SkillsUSA State Leadership and Skills Conference Sunday 5:00 p.m.-Wednesday 1:00 p.m.
MAY 2025
6 | SkillsUSA National Signing Day
16-17 | SkillsUSA Executive Committee Meeting and State Officer Training Friday 5:00 p.m to Saturday 3:00 p.m. Smyrna, TN
JUNE 2025
21-23 | State Officers attend Leverage at NLSC (Board Meeting)| Atlanta, GA
23-27 | SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference | Atlanta, GA
JULY 2025
1 | SkillsUSA Membership Grant and WLTI Opportunity (pending next year's approval)
2026 SkillsUSA National Conference will be held the first week of June. Please provide me with your feedback on our state conference by filling out the 2026 SLSC Form.