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State Education Team

The purpose of the State Education Team (SET) is to assist the state technical committees in conducting and managing the SkillsUSA State Leadership and Skills Contests and communicate industry expectations for the quality of instruction and professional development in occupational areas represented in the SkillsUSA State Leadership and Skills Contests to advisors. SET members may also be called upon throughout the year for their insights and expertise.

Qualified candidates are dedicated educators or administrators, active Professional Members of SkillsUSA, and passionate about the success of our students. Attendance at the SkillsUSA State Leadership and Skills Conference is strongly encouraged and SET members should expect to work with the designated contest technical committee for a period of time as determined by the committee. Their scheduled work time may include set up or break down of the contest area. In appreciation, SET members who attend and support the State Leadership and Skills Conference will receive a reimbursement of their conference registration fee following the event.

State Education Team member responsibilities will include the following:

  1. Be an advocate for SkillsUSA and uphold the mission and standards set forth by the state association and SkillsUSA national office
  2. Nominate and assist in recruiting industry professionals to serve as technical committee members and judges
  3. Assist in identifying other organizations and potential sources of materials and equipment that can support the contest or committee if needed
  4. Provide assistance as needed in setting up and tearing down the contest area under supervision of the technical committee 
  5. Suggest areas of need for industry update seminars or workshops at state SkillsUSA conferences
  6. Following the State Championships, submit a list of 3–5 criteria that would assist instructors in better preparing student competitors for the competition to be shared with SkillsUSA Tennessee Postsecondary advisors
  7. Assist in other areas as determined by the technical committee or state director

State Education Team members will not:

  1. Be involved in the preparation of the contest projects to be used in the SkillsUSA Tennessee Postsecondary Championships or have specific knowledge of the projects, contest variables, or any other information that would constitute a competitive advantage
  2. Administer any written test, complete score cards, or view competitor scores at any time during the competition
  3. Have direct contact with a competitor from their school during any contest
  4. Serve as judges, except in rare cases and only with approval of the state director

State Education Team members must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be an educator or administrator (active or retired)
  2. Be an active professional member of SkillsUSA and be skilled in the subject matter area of assignment
  3. Willing to follow the leadership of the technical committee and complete the requested assignments in an orderly and congenial manner to ensure the success of the SkillsUSA Tennessee Postsecondary Championships
  4. Commit to improving communications between instructors, technical committees, and state director for the purpose of improving instruction and job readiness and advancing the mission of SkillsUSA
  5. Have financial support. The SLSC registration fee will be refunded for SET members who attend the conference and support their contest area. Travel, meals, and accommodations are not reimbursable.
  6. Be endorsed by the local college administration to serve on the State Education Team.

Interested educators and administrators should complete the State Education Team application by December 15, 2021.

Questions? Contact the SkillsUSA Tennessee Postsecondary State Director at or (615) 366-4497.