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The SkillsUSA Tennessee Championships are the preeminent showcase of public technical education in the state of Tennessee. Each spring students from across the state gather at the State Leadership and Skills Conference to compete in more than 100 different leadership and career competitions. These competitions recognize career and technical students who excel in their occupational areas, as well as in the leadership development activities that are such an integral part of the SkillsUSA program. Competitions begin locally and continue through the state and national levels.

The involvement of industry in the Championships program is essential. Experts in leadership, health occupations, and skilled and technical fields volunteer their time to serve as contest judges and as technical committee members. They assume responsibility for selecting the skills that are to be judged, determining the format of the contests, and establishing the standards by which contestants will be judged.

The philosophy of the Championships is to reward students for excellence, to involve industry in directly evaluating student performance and to keep training relevant to employers’ needs. To continue to meet the needs of potential employees and prospective employers, the lines of communication between technical education schools and industry must be kept open. Educators must be able to identify industry’s needs and, in turn, develop appropriate curricula.

Click here for more information on the role and responsibilities of a technical committee member.
Click here for more information on the role and responsibilities of a contest judge.

If you would like to serve SkillsUSA Tennessee on a Technical Committee or as a Contest Judge, please sign-up here.

Questions? Contact the SkillsUSA Tennessee State Staff

Daphne Brown | SkillsUSA Tennessee Postsecondary State Director (Postsecondary Division) | | (615) 366-3943